Alan has run to get some dinner. Just thought I’d give you guys a really quick update seeing as how I am on a pretty good dosage of Hydrocodone as I type.
Doctors began making their rounds very early this morning. I have a lot of bruising, but that is to be expected. They told us signs to look for in case the blood supply to the skin was having problems, showed us how to empty the super-sexy drains that are attached to me (Poor Alan!), loaded us down with lots of drugs and sent us on our way. We were at the hotel by 9:30 am.
I slept, ate lunch, took a 250-ft walk down the hotel halls, slept, slept and slept some more.
Alan has been an excellent nurse. He has fed me, emptied drains, kept track of when to take what meds…you name it. This guy is seriously amazing.
I actually feel pretty good compared to how I felt yesterday at this time and through the night. Thanks to everyone for all of the emails, texts, Facebook messages, etc. They have been incredibly uplifting.
He will write a better post tomorrow. Just wanted everyone to know we were out of the hospital and doing okay.
So glad to hear all is getting better… Thoughts and prayers are with you both!
You’re amazing!!!! Deep breaths and let all of us hold you up for awhile, in thoughts and words. And, awesome Alan! Big hugs!!
Jenny, glad to hear you’re feeling better than yesterday. That was a hard read. We’re all still thinking of you and sending you good energy. Just don’t over do – seriously.
Can’t wait till you get home! <>
You are amazing to be on the computer so soon after surgery.
We were happy to hear that the pain is being managed better.
The kids were excited to hear your voice on the phone and they are looking forward to you both coming home soon.
Wow, you’re up blogging? Getting better hour by hour! Just don’t overdo it. Big, huge, enormous hugs to you both!
So glad to see this update. You and your family have been on my mind tonight. Fight on!
Thanks for the update! Hugs to you and your amazing nurse Alan! 🙂
Don’t overdo anything but the sleeping, that is! :o) Glad to hear you’re feeling better and that Alan is taking super care of you!
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