I made it through the hardest part.
When I started at the end of March, I said out loud numerous times, “July 3 isn’t THAT far away. It will go quick.”
I said it, but I didn’t REALLY believe it.
Thank you to all of you who sent me sweet emails, texts, Facebook posts and tweets. To give you an idea of how completely encouraged I was that morning, I woke up with my phone fully charged, but by the time I went to chemo at 10 am, my phone battery was already running low. It was AWESOME.
Here is an example of the things I heard walking into treatment that morning. This was put together by my unbelievably supportive team at work:
I wish I could adequately express just how much it means to have all of you cheering me on over the past several months. We are quickly approaching the one-year mark from when I was diagnosed. It has been a roller coaster ride, but no matter what, I have always had the peace of knowing that I have the most amazing support in the world. I hope that some day I can repay you all for what you have done for our family.
Until then, here is some fun documentation of that day and the days following. My mom, dad, sister, Krisan and Alan all came to my last treatment.
Krisan brought me some beautiful roses.
Mom, Dad and Keri brought balloons and some awesome party noisemakers.
Between my mom, Alan’s mom and Alan’s boss, Kelly, the bell ringing was completely covered.
I spent the next weekend recuperating, then, Krisan planned the perfect brunch to celebrate the end of chemo. Check out our fancy custom menus!
Beautiful women
I got to hold a beautiful baby girl, Olivia.
There was even a cake!
Melissa and John – special shout out to John for being one of the minority in a room full of women.
Robyn, Krisan and I have been friends since high school.
Hayden and Josh
My mom and dad
Debbie and Bryn – Bryn just LOVES this woman!
It was a fun morning. Thanks to Krisan for organizing this. Thanks to everyone who came. Thanks to everyone who has cheered me on through some hard times. Thanks to everyone who has listened to me complain about feeling bad. (Special kudos goes to Alan on that note!) Your encouragement and willingness to listen made all the difference.
Such a sweet family. I want all good things for them. So proud of your grace and perseverance.
Happy, happy, happy post! Yay!!! Love you!
Love everything about this post!!!! Congratulations!!!!! 🙂 🙂
My favorite part of this post? “The End.” So glad the nasty chemo part is over!! You handled it like the champ you are.
Hi Jenny! Loved reading this post celebrating the end of the chemo chapter. I can’t even imagine how tough it was for you but I do know you are one amazing woman. I’m thankful you are moving on from this part.
So glad you celebrated like a pro! What a wonderful thing to have this chemo behind you.
We’re so glad you are this far, honey.
You are a real warrior! Love you.
Glad to hear your done with chemo.
You are all hero,s.
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