I didn’t get a photo of Jenny waiting for surgery today like I normally do. But this is how she looked … just like she looked on April 13 at the Tenaciously Teal fund-raiser. She looked graceful and strong, like always.
Jenny posted this weekend about the ovary and the cyst and the pain and the scope. So here we are at OU Medical Center early on Monday morning to find out what’s going on.
As Jenny wrote, we are praying for a good outcome in this scope — whatever that means today. There are varying degrees of good outcomes in this case. It means no cancer. It means keeping the ovary. It means finding the source of the pain she’s been dealing with every few months for the last 8 months.
Most of all, it means no cancer.
Any other outcome would be just another thing for Jenny to deal with.
Jenny is tough … through the surgeries, through the waiting, through the chemo, through the radiation, through the infections, through the hysterectomy, through the lymphedema, through the blood clots, through the ovarian cysts … She’s tough.
She’ll say she doesn’t feel ‘tough.‘ She’ll say that her only option is to move forward. She doesn’t think that’s very ‘tough.’ She just thinks it’s necessary.
And she might say that she doesn’t feel very ‘tough‘ when she feels the anxiety about the possibility of recurrence or when she sees others go through recurrence. She will cry every time that subject comes up.
She won’t agree — but I know it. She’s tough.
As we’ve prepared for this surgery these past few days, she knew the possible outcomes. She had anxiety about what they might find. But she only really cared about the worst possible outcome. Everything else — pain, early menopause without supplements, another surgery — would be just another thing to deal with. She deals with all of it with amazing grace and peace and patience.
She sizes up her complications and just deals with them. That’s why I know she’s tough.
The surgery was first thing in the morning. We were there at 5 a.m. Jenny’s awesome parents, Bill and Linda, joined us. So did our awesome pastor — Mark Foster. We prayed and we laughed — and cried just a little. Jenny was in good spirits.

Dr. Robert Mannel. See the story The Oklahoman did on him last Feb.
We met with Dr. Mannel, who very professionally described the goals and potential outcomes of the surgery.
Jenny walked back to surgery before 7 a.m. I got word that the surgery actually started at 7:34 a.m.
At 8:32 a.m., Dr. Mannel came walking up to the waiting area. He pulled the four of us aside and explained the results of the surgery.
It couldn’t have been better news. It was perfect.
The scope revealed four cysts and scarring — plus the ovary was lodged and attached to another organ — the colon, I believe. There was inflammation in that area. He suspects that’s what was causing the pain an the recurrence of cysts.
He removed the cysts. He kept the ovary. Nothing looked cancerous.
Remember the outcomes we were hoping for? No cancer? Keep the ovary? Find the source of the pain?
Most of all, no cancer? Jenny will smile when I get to tell her that.
Perfect. Just perfect.
He took the biopsy and sent it for further testing, just to be certain. We’ll get the results in about a week.
But we’ll celebrate today anyway.
So very glad this is all behind you!!! Love you both!
What a relief!! The outcome is exactly what we hoped for, she’s fine & she’s home. It’s Happy Dance time! 💃🏽🕺🏼💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽🕺🏼
Linda and Bill,
Beyond thrilled to hear the wonderful news about Jenny. You must feel like you added twenty years back to your lives!
Jenny sounds like an incredible young woman who is married to an incredible young man and who has incredible parents.
Sending my love from NJ
Great news! Hopefully that’s the end of the cysts.
I loved reading this good news. Prayers for you and your family, Jenny. You are brave and strong!!
Great news!! And yes, Jenny, you are TOUGH.
Happy Dance time for sure. Great news.
Woot!!! What great news!!
Love, love, love this and love this beautiful family!
Beyond thrilled to hear the wonderful news. Keep that positive spirit for it will keep you going through all those challenging times.
Love from NJ
A beautiful tribute to your sister and her toughness. She is grace and grit personified. So, so happy for this outcome today!!!
Thank, thank, thank goodness! So very glad to hear the news was so positive and that Jenny got the outcome she hoped and prayed for. Joy and love to all of the Herzys and especially to Jen!
Go, Team Jenny! The whole team! YES!
I’m so happy reading this wonderful news!
Celebration well deserved today.
Great news. Prayer works.
Oh, how I have been praying!!! This good news has just MADE my day!! Go celebrate and celebrate and celebrate and celebrate!!!!!!
Thank you for the update and for sharing the good news! And so glad Jenny got to leave the hospital today to go home! Molly the Therapy Dog and I send hugs!
So happy to see that smile despite the pain. That is a sign of toughness! Much love for The Herzy fam and my precious Jen Jen!
Happy dance! 😍🙏🏻
Naked cartwheels Jenny. I’m so glad that things worked out positively.
Praise God! Love to you all and glory to God for the trifecta (from the trifecta)!
Just amazing relief from this corner. So happy for you and your family Jennie!
I believe in the power of prayer! Andy and I are praying for continued good news and good health. Love, Laura and Andy Paine