Do you know this person?

Do you know this person?


Because if you don’t, I’m really sorry for you.

(BTW: ignore that crazy gal in the background with the Longhorn gestures – we forgive her and accept her despite her misplaced loyalties.)

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been friends with this gal for 20 years. I mean, that’s over half my life. You just don’t find friendships like this.


Going into high school, our family relocated to Lawton, leaving all of my friends behind in Arkansas. It really, really sucked. Until I met Krisan.

And since then, she has been a part of every major milestone in my life.

Things like high school graduation:

Kris (Bonus shot includes my good friend, Robyn, too!)

Moving into the dorms:


My wedding:Kris3

This is actually the night before – I forgot to grab one of my actual wedding pics to scan…yes, I said scan. I’m old enough to say that my wedding was not shot with a digital camera. Yes, that old.

The birth of my kids:


Heck, it was our somewhat spur-of-the-moment decision to move from Lawton to Norman that allowed me to meet Alan.

She has been by my side through thick and thin.

So, obviously she was one of the first people I called on September 18. From that day on, she has done more for me and my family than I can even describe.

She and her mom have spent countless nights at my house taking care of the kids while we were in Houston. (BTW – her mom is clearly where Krisan gets all of her awesomeness.)

We’ve called her while she was in the middle of making dinner because I needed to make a trip to the emergency room. She dropped what she was doing, ran to our house and stayed with the kids until we got home at 2 a.m.

She has gathered people to encourage me along the way – as we left for my first surgery, the day of surgery and when we shaved my hair.



She’s coordinated meals for our family during the harder times.

She’s sent flowers to cheer me up.

She constantly checks in on me to see how things are going and what we need.

Honestly, I can keep going and going…but the bottom line is that she has done more for me than I could ever repay. And, I have really thought hard about how to repay her, but at this point, there is just no catching up.

Today is Krisan’s birthday. So I want to wish her a very happy birthday. I also want to tell her that she has redefined and exceeded anything I’ve ever thought a friend should be. And, I want to tell her how thankful I am for everything she has done…I know I’ve said that to her a million times, but even if I said it a million more, I still don’t think she’d really know how grateful I am.

And I want to tell all of you how much you are missing out if you don’t know her. She’s pretty awesome.

10 thoughts on “Do you know this person?

  1. I agree she is one of the best friends in the world! So glad she followed you to OPUBCO! I would say you summed up everything I would about her! I love that girl!!!

  2. So sweet! I’ve loved being witness to that friendship over the last 20 years. Looking forward to the next 20 years. Wonder if 2033 cucumbers will look as good on y’all as those do?♥

  3. God has certainly blessed you with a wonderful friend! I’m so glad she is taking such good care of you and Alan and kids. Hope you had a great birthday Krisan!! Thank you for taking care of Jenny!

  4. Man, you made me mess up my make-up!!! Those kind of friends are hard to find… and to keep around! We all are lucky to be able to call Krisan our friend!!!

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