The weird feeling on the ‘other side’ of this fight

Jenny at the Tenaciously Teal event in Oklahoma City on April 28, 2017. PHOTO: Charlie Neuenschwander Instagram:

Jenny is always beautiful. But she, along with 12 other women, shined especially bright on April 28.

Jenny participated in a fund-raising fashion show event for Tenaciously Teal — Carepacks and Cocktails. It was an outstanding event, and we were blessed to be joined by family and friends there to support one of the stars.

Jenny doesn’t like the spotlight, so she was uncomfortable with all the attention, but I think she had fun (see the professional photo — please click to enlarge that photo!).

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The saga continues…

So, if you will remember that in my update blog a couple weeks ago, I talked about not being able to breathe on Day 1, 2 and 3. After that, I wound up with this dry cough that would never become productive. I thought I might have caught a virus or something.

Two and a half weeks after my surgery, that cough was still there and becoming more and more pesky. I couldn’t get through sentences without coughing, and the cough would sneak up on me so covering my mouth was near impossible. After spending a day in meetings coughing all over everyone, I decided to see if my family doctor could give me a cough suppressant or a steroid…or something so people wouldn’t think I was coughing flu germs all over them!

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Hysterectomy pathology is in

I waited as patiently as possible all week for the pathology to come in. By the end of the week, my patience had faded and my worry had fired up. On Thursday, I spent a long time researching whether benign tumors/cysts were ever smooth. Dr. Wayman described mine as smooth (unlike cancer), but was it impossible that it was cancer?

I remember when I went for my biopsy right before my diagnosis, and the nurses were talking amongst themselves. I heard one say, “Is it vascular?” and the other said it was. It was code for something…I was sure of it. They left me alone in the room right after that, and it was all I could do to not jump off the table to get my phone and start Googling “vascular mass in breast.” Was vascular good? Bad? Continue reading

Update on me, Part 1

Blogging has been really tough for me this past year, and I can’t put my finger on why. Maybe it is because some days I feel like I just don’t want to think about cancer anymore. Maybe a little bit because life is just busy. Maybe it is a little bit because the cancer-related events in my life lately keep turning out to be false alarms which makes me feel both happy (for good news) and silly (for worrying) at the same time. Continue reading

Happy No-More-Chemo Anniversary

Alan and I have been walking three miles around the neighborhood in the evenings together. Each time, we go through the same back and forth about what time we will go. I want to go immediately after we finish dinner. He wants to wait 45 minutes, then go.

You see, Alan and I are a lot alike when it comes to structure and schedules in our lives. I think it is why we get along so well. But one major difference between us is my ridiculous inability to relax until all the work is done. I carry this habit into every part of my life – I can’t relax during the week until I feel like I have a handle on things at work. I can’t relax on the weekends until I feel like our house is at least somewhat picked up and clean and any errands have been run. And, each evening, I can’t relax until we have made, eaten and cleaned up after dinner and gone for our walk. Because, let’s face it, the walk is work.

Why am I telling you this?

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2015 is going to be a good year

So, I wrote a really long blog post the weekend after I got home from the hospital. Things got busy and hectic and I never posted it so I just posted it and back dated it. Sorry for cheating.

On Friday night – two days after I got home — Alan and I went to do my meds around 9:30 p.m. To add to all of the craziness and bad luck that has gone on lately, my line was clogged. Apparently your blood can tend to clot around the foreign object that you have in your body. We knew one side was clogged, but when the other side was clogged on Friday, the only option was to make a trip to the ER.

I cried.

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