I broke the news to my co-workers a few weeks ago.
(This is not the ‘cancer’ talk. It’s just a photo that we posted on Facebook.)
I was going to be in and out of the office. It was highly likely that I would burst into tears in the first few days (BTW: I’m pretty proud that I actually didn’t have any MAJOR meltdowns!). We are a small company, and this was going to be felt.
I hadn’t even been there for six months.
I’ve had such an amazing mixture of support from everyone there — each in their own way.
But, the common thread is that they have all rallied around to create a team of support. For instance, within minutes (literally ‘minutes,’ as in less than an hour) of me telling them, they were already creating the Koch Comm team page on the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.
Did I mention that I have only even known these people for six months?
Then came October 1. Koch Comm turned pink on Facebook.
And, then came these:
My boss and my coworkers are truly more than I deserve.
And this is just a teeny tiny glimpse of the support I have been given.
It is so strange to look back at the last two years of our lives and see so many things that have happened to prepare us for this next year (more on that later).
One of those things was Kym Koch Thompson calling me last March. She is a great leader who always sees the best in people, and her team is reflective of this – a team that has poured out care, concern and support.
Words cannot express how grateful I am to have been invited to join this team.
I second that! #TeamJenny!
Team Jenny – Lawton Family!! We are thinking about you everyday sweetie. Love and only positive thoughts coming your way!
We’re super grateful you accepted the invitation to join our team! Thanks for putting up with us 🙂