I’m not a person who talks about feelings and all of that mushy stuff. But, I feel like Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to write about something that I feel deserves some recognition.
My Valentine
Almost a week out from surgery – I’m tired and sore, but I think this surgery was a lot easier than the last one. The pain meds that I’ve been taking, combined with Benedryl for the allergic rash I developed, have put me in quite a zone. I’ve slept A LOT.
Lots of sleep, lots of meds and limited interaction with the outside world can make one feel kind of blah.
Happy New Year!
As Alan and I talked about 2012, we agreed that it was really a pretty good year. Sure, there is that cancer thing…that kind of put a damper on things. But before our world got turned upside down on 9/18, lots of good things happened. To name a few…