Chemo Round 3 & Chemo brain

Chemo Round 3 begins tomorrow.

The not feeling well part lasted a lot longer than I would prefer last time. I’m really hoping I can get through the yucky feeling a bit faster this round.

Ever heard of chemo brain? Well, it is something you read about on a lot of message boards. I’ve even read some actual articles about it. Basically, people who are going through chemo can have short-term memory loss.

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Shave Party

I know, I know…it’s been awhile since I posted. To be real honest, I just haven’t felt very good. Not terrible, but not good. The fatigue and nausea has lasted longer this time around. But enough complaining. Let me tell you what happened last Tuesday…

First, this gal was the mastermind behind Tuesday. She was, as always, thoughtful and amazing in taking something that pretty much sucks (losing your hair) and making it into something that was a celebration of another step taken forward. She is the best. Seriously.

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Post-Chemo Day 12 – Feeling Great

I’m feeling great. Seriously. Completely normal — aside from the soreness of having a foreign object lodged in my chest (a.k.a. the port). Even that is not too bad.

I really felt 100 percent by Day 7, which was last Thursday. I’m on schedule to go in for chemo at 9 a.m. this Thursday morning.

Today I am seeing a lot of hair loss begin to happen. My scalp was really sore yesterday — like when your ponytail is too tight.

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Chemo: 3 days

I met with Dr. Razaq this morning.

Oddly, using a measurement tool that she says is very common in the industry, my odds of recurrence and measurement of mortality are identical whether I do a full eight treatments (four Adriamycin/Cytoxan and four Taxol) or if I just do four rounds of Cytoxan and Taxol together. The former is a 4-month plan; the latter is a 3-month plan.

It is very odd.

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Countdown to Chemo: 6 days

Well folks, things have happened since I last posted.

First, I’m once again reminded that we are surrounded by some pretty amazing people who have all helped us reach the right people at the OU Stephenson Cancer Center. I’m sure the administration is tired of hearing about my situation at this point – so thanks, friends! You guys are the best.

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